Alex specializes in relieving discomfort caused by occupational stress, repetitive motion strain and postural dysfunction. Her work includes treatment of minor muscular injuries, rehabilitation support (including post-surgical, with physician's approval), muscle-specific stretching, and body-awareness education for functional movement. She blends various techniques to suit the individual and to facilitate healing and relaxation.
Modalities are described below.
Myofascial Bodywork: for fascial release and structural balance
Here we work with the fascia: the tissue that surrounds and supports your muscles, bones and structure. Where the body has been injured, or muscles are chronically contracted from tension, poor posture or the demands of work, the fascia can become thickened, stuck together and less hydrated. This results in restricted movement, and reduced circulation and delivery of nutrients to the tissues. Myofascial bodywork is slow and can be quite deep, but should not be painful, and it can be deeply relaxing. Areas of adhesion become 'unstuck', allowing greater freedom of movement and balance throughout the body. This work often lasts longer than muscular massage.
Orthopedic Massage: for pain and injury treatment
This is a form of therapeutic massage for treatment of both neuromuscular and mechanical soft-tissue pain and injury. We take a thorough health history and use orthopedic assessment as necessary to evaluate the condition. We then select from a wide range of massage techniques to provide effective treatment by matching the specific effects of the treatment technique to the physiological characteristics of the tissue complaint. We frequently consult with physicians, physical therapists and acupuncturists as part of your healthcare team.
Trigger Point Therapy: to ease discomfort
This is for the relief of muscular pain and discomfort. Trigger points are 'knots' in taut bands of muscle that are tender to touch and can cause pain to be referred to other areas of the body. They can cause sensations ranging from a dull ache to numbness, stiffness, tingling, or sharp pain, and can often mimic nerve compression symptoms. Headaches are frequently caused by trigger points in the neck and shoulder muscles. Trigger point therapy, also known as 'neuromuscular therapy', includes muscle-specific stretches to support the muscle release work and to encourage the tissue to relax and return to its normal resting length.
Sports Massage: to support optimal physical performance
Sports massage is focused on keeping your muscles in good condition and preventing injuries by improving muscle tone and balancing out the muscles so they work well together. It helps to keep muscles strong (able to contract fully) and flexible (able to elongate fully). It also supports injury recovery and athletic training and increases your body awareness so you can move more efficiently. Sports massage benefits anyone who uses their muscles for sports, work, or recreation - and you don't have to be an athlete to enjoy it!
CranioSacral Therapy: structural and nervous system rebalancing
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a system of gentle, non-invasive techniques used to evaluate and release restrictions in the CranioSacral system and to enhance the body's innate healing abilities. Restrictions in the CranioSacral system can cause pain and dysfunction both structurally (skeletal alignment problems), in the nervous system (stress disorders,) and in the viscera (internal organ dysfunction).
CST is especially helpful for stress disorders (insomnia, fatigue, headaches, poor digestion, high blood pressure, anxiety) and often benefits patients suffering from chronic pain symptoms that have not been relieved by allopathic approaches. Often used in conjunction with other therapies, CST can be beneficial to those who have head or neck injuries from car, sports, or work accidents or falls.